Review | Spark (Skin Books #2) by Alice Broadway

“I don’t feel as though I’m a blessing, but at least I can choose not to be a curse.” 3/5 stars!

Leora is reeling: questioning everything she has ever known about her family and herself.

As half-Marked and half-Blank, can she ever wholly belong in either fractured community? Mayor Longsight wants to use her as a weapon: to infiltrate Featherstone, home of the Blanks, and deliver them to him for obliteration. Leora longs for answers about her mysterious birth mother, and Featherstone may reveal them.

But will she find solace and safety there or a viper’s nest of suspicion and secrets?

Yeah, I’m not loving this series – and trust me, I wanted to!

This book is a little better compared to the first, but it was still too nonsensical for me. Just like what happened with the first book, there were a lot of chapters where things didn’t make any sense – weird dialogs between the characters, random decisions, etc.

It felt a lot like a filler book because it felt like almost nothing happened. Leora went to the blanks as a spy, but of course, she starts seeing things differently and changes her mind. It was a very predictable plot!

To be completely honest, it was not a very entertaining book, but at least it was a little more pleasant than the first one. I keep saying the concept of the trilogy is cool and interesting, but the delivery is not the best.

2 thoughts on “Review | Spark (Skin Books #2) by Alice Broadway

  1. I’ve a quandary? a friend has written a book. I’ve started 3 times. I actually bought two copies, because, well, a I just keep going and hope it gets better and lie and say I liked it….or?……It starts out as an attempt at something Hobbit or Dragin Riders like, but the world that it takes place in just feels off….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, if a friend wants you to read their book… it can be tricky if the book is bad! I’ve received some books before and had the same experience of trying multiple times, but at some point I gave up. But since the author is a friend, that could be a little difficult to manage. I personally would try and read it anyway (problably more like speed-reading if the book was terrible), but I would gave a honest opinion at the end! Or you can just be honest with your friend and tell them you can’t read the book because it feels off. I wish you good luck!


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