Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Hello dear friends!

Are you ready for the new year? You know I am! I love this time of the year because it fills me with inspiration, good energy, and gratitude. So I came here to wish you all a happy New Year!

To me 2023 was a great year, but not necessarily an easy one! Sure, I had a few challenges along the way as it was a year of growth (as it often is), but I had a lot of amazing, unexpected things that happened in my life. I’m very grateful for all of the blessings and lessons this past year has taught me, but now I’m ready for what the new year will bring!

This blog has been such a source of joy in my life and it has kept me busy! I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you all that keep reading my crazy reviews and posts. It truly gives me joy knowing that someone reads what I write and I’m very grateful for all of you! So here’s a very sincere: Thank you.

Friends, I wish you all the best for 2024. I wish you health, wealth, and a lot of good times with the ones you love. Oh, and a lot of good reads of course!

Let’s always strive for happiness!

TBR | January 2024

Hello friends!

I hope you’re doing well! I hope you’re enjoying your holidays, and even though I am too… you know me – I’m always too eager to start working on my yearly goals and on my brand-new TBR! So that’s exactly what I’m bringing you today: all the books that I’m planning on reading in January!

If you read my post on How I Create My Monthly TBR Lists, you already know my magical formula to create a reading month. This is the formula I’m planning on keeping for the new year, so the goal for January is to read 2 paperbacks, 2 audiobooks, 1 ebook, and 1 manga volume.

If everything goes well, I’m starting 2 new series (a contemporary and a fantasy), and hopefully, I’ll finish the trilogy I was reading for the past few months. The manga I’m currently reading is from a series I started in December so I’m excited to continue the story and make some progress. To complement all these series, I’ve picked 2 literary fiction books from my TBR as well – one historical and one contemporary.

It’s going to be a very interesting month! So without further ado, here are the books I’m planning on reading in January:

1. As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh

This is a recent addition to my physical TBR, but I admit I don’t know a lot about it. I really want to dive into this book without knowing much about it because I want to have the experience of just exploring a subject I don’t know a lot about. I’ve heard great things about this, so I’m excited to see it for myself!

2. Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll

I’ve seen this book before, but it wasn’t until I saw Warren (a friend of the blog! Hi Warren!) mentioning it in a previous blog post that I decided to read this book. I’ve taken a look at the synopsis and I found the book really interesting. So why not add it to the reading list this month? Thank you again for the suggestion Warren!

3. Magnolia Parks (Magnolia Parks Universe #1) by Jessa Hastings

I’m super curious about this series so I decided to read it this month! A Youtuber I follow always raves about how much she adores this series, so I immediately got curious to see what it’s all about. She says it reminds her of Gossip Girl – and I love Gossip Girl. We’ll see how this one goes!

4. Pita-Ten (Vol. 3) by Koge-Donbo

This is the manga I started in December and the goal for January is just to continue this series. I’ll probably end up reading more than one volume, but the goal is just to read at least this volume until the end of January.

5. Scar (Ink #3) by Alice Broadway

I’m hoping I’ll be finally done with this series in January. To be honest, when I first started this series I thought the story would be better. I’m not loving it, but I still want to do it right and finish the entire thing since I’ve already read the first 2 books. I’m not expecting a lot at this point, but maybe the conclusion will surprise me… a girl can dream!

6. Sea Witch (Sea Witch #1) by Sarah Henning

I’ve picked this series from my 30 Oldest Books From My TBR list so that I can keep tackling my oldest books! Also, I’m feeling like reading a sea-themed fantasy book so this is the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Fingers crossed!

Aaaand there you have it friends, my TBR list for January! As usual, I hope you liked this post! Let me know if you have any recommendations for me. You know I’m always grateful for those!

Thank you for reading, have a great day!

Merry Christmas!

Hello friends!

I wanted to jump in here and wish you all a merry Christmas!

My wish for you is that you have a wonderful time spending the holidays with the ones you love, surrounded by tons of love, warmth, and yummy food – oh, and books of course!

Please enjoy yourself and have a lot of fun during this magical season!

I’ll see you in the next post!

My 8 Reading Goals for 2024

Hello friends!

I hope you’re doing well! Are you excited for 2024? I know I am! Today I’m following up with a tradition here on the blog, with a post you already know was coming: my reading goals for the next year!

The reason why this is probably my favorite season of the year is because I’m a planner at heart. I always like to reflect on how the year went (good and bad), and I get inspired to plan and create new goals for my life! And of course, reading is a big part of who I am so of course I’m planning my reading year as well!

So after some thought and reflection, I came up with all the reading goals I want to achieve in 2024! Here they are:

1. Read 60 books

This is not news to you – every single year my reading goal is set to 60 books. This means I’ll read about 5 books per month, which is a good number for me! It’s easy for me to achieve, and I usually surpass this goal – but with that said, if I just get 60 books read in a year, I’ll be more than happy with my reading year!

2. Reduce book collection to less than 230 books

I’m so embarrassed to say that I’ve had this same goal for the past few years… and I never reached it! But can you blame me? Book shopping is so much fun! Ok, I digress. As I’m writing this, I currently have 280 books on my shelf. That’s a ridiculous amount of books to have, and my goal is to reduce my collection to a more manageable number. The truth is that nobody needs that many books, so it’s time for me to reduce my collection. For now, I’ll try to reduce it to 230 in 2024!

3. Read 24 books from my physical TBR

I had a similar goal last year, but this time I’m doing 24 books instead of 20! I’m thinking of reading at least 2 physical books per month anyway, so I think this is a doable number. As you know, I read books in different formats but I want to prioritize what’s currently on my shelf. Hopefully, this will go smoothly!

4. Read 2 fantasy series I have always wanted to read

I always struggle with fantasy series, so I decided to add this goal to the list! I have a hard time compromising with long series, but I want to fight this instinct! So in 2024, I want to go through some of them, like for example one of the following: Dune, The Lord of the Rings, A Curse So Dark and Lonely, Red Queen, City of Bones, Shadow and Bone, Throne of Glass, and many more!

5. Read 1 big book (>500 pages)

I’ve been struggling with this goal for the past few years, so for 2024 I’m going to try to read a single book over 500 pages. As I mentioned a million times before, I’m intimidated by big books, and since I know I’m missing out on some amazing stories, I need to fight this!

6. Only buy 12 books max

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Neide, you literally just said you want to reduce your collection”. Yes, that’s true, I do want to reduce my collection. I’m planning on doing this by selling my older books and by controlling my spending habits (in this case, on books). And that’s exactly why this goal exists. I still want to have some freedom and have fun by visiting a bookstore and buying a few books whenever I feel like it… but I want to do it in a controlled way. This way I’m allowed to buy only one book per month, and that should be more than enough!

7. Read 10 pages or a chapter a day

This may seem a simple one, but I really would love to read every single day. This is just a way for me to ensure I pick up a book every day. I know this is going to be a little challenging, but I think I can easily read 10 pages or 1 chapter a day, so I’m sure at the end of the day this will be a simple one to achieve.

8. Use my TBR Prompt List with my TBR Wheel

I haven’t told you about this yet, but I recently created a list of TBR prompts! It’s a random thing I created last month, and the goal is just to get a prompt randomly using my TBR wheel, and then pick a book based on the prompt. I made this list for fun and to help me pick books whenever I’m feeling indecisive. I’m thinking about including this in my monthly TBR posts! Should I do it?

So what do you think of my reading goals for 2024? I think all of the reading goals that I’m setting for 2024 are both challenging and achievable!

Tell me about you! Do you have any reading goals for 2024? Let me know!

See you in my next post 🙂

10 Books I would love to find under the Christmas tree | 2023

Hello friends! 

I hope you’re doing well and I hope you are excited for the holidays just like I am!

I think I unintentionally started a mini tradition by writing a “Books I would love to find under the Christmas Tree” post, so it only makes sense for me to keep it up!

Today I’m bringing you 10 books that I would be thrilled to find under my Christmas tree. These are books that have been on my radar for the last few months and I don’t have physical copies (yet).

Ok, enough talking – let’s dive in!

1. Heartstopper Vol. 5 by Alice Oseman

This is a highly anticipated read! I’ve been waiting for this book since it was announced. I’m very excited for the next chapter on Charlie and Nick’s lives, and I can’t wait to read about these amazing characters again!

2. King of Wrath (Kings of Sin #1) by Ana Huang

I’ve read the “Twisted” books this year, and I am curious to read more from Ana Huang. She started publishing this particular series in 2022, and there are already 3 books published – so why not dive into a new romance series? I’ve heard great things about this series, so I’m excited to put my hands on the books!

3. Flock (The Ravenhood #1) by Kate Stewart

Everyone and their mother is recommending this book! I believe this a darker romance, which, funny enough, is one of my palate cleanser genres. The fact that it is a series scares me a little, but I would still like to read it and know what it is all about.

4. Fourth Wing (The Empyrean #1) by Rebecca Yarros

I mean… are you really surprised this book is in here? This is probably the book I’m the most excited about – and I’m not only talking about this list, I mean from my entire TBR list. I have a feeling that I’m going to love this book, and if I got it for Christmas, I’m sure I would read it in a couple of days. The only reason why I haven’t started this is because there are only 2 books published in what is going to be a 5-book series. I don’t like to wait between books, so that’s why I haven’t bought and started this yet.

5. The Snow Girl by Sophie Anderson

I’m a sucker for a Sophie Anderson book! She writes the most amazing middle grades and I should know, because I’ve read all of her books so far. I’m hoping to get my hands on her latest work!

6. The Name Drop by Susan Lee

Okay, maybe I added this immediately to the list only by looking at the cover. Oh, and it’s a Susan Lee book – the same author as “Seoulmates“! Yeah, I don’t think it’s surprising this is part of the list.

7. Spy x Family Vol. 1 by Tatsuya Endo

During my trip to Japan, I discovered this manga series. It’s super popular there right now, and even knowing it’s still ongoing… I can’t help but be curious. I think I’m going to dive into this one soon!

8. A Magic Steeped in Poison (The Book of Tea #1) by Judy I. Lin

This series looks like the dose of magic I’m currently needing. I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about it, but it sure looks cool!

9. Behind the Net (Vancouver Storm #1) by Stephanie Archer

This is a series I discovered recently and it sounds exactly like something I would like. I’ve heard great things about the romance, so I’m now curious about it!

10. A Court This Cruel & Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1) by Stacia Stark

Another book I heard a Booktuber talk about recently! The title is a little suspicious, but it sounds like a book I would enjoy from all the good things I heard about.

I know, these look so good! Either if I find these in my Christmas tree or not, I still really want to read these in the future. Oh dear Santa, I’ve been good(ish) this year! I’ll take my reward in books, thank you very much!

What about you, friends? What books do you hope to get this Christmas? Do you have a book list for Santa ready? Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for reading, aaaand I’ll see you in the next one!

Review | Ink (Skin Books #1) by Alice Broadway

“We’re all a bit bad. We all have things in our lives that bring us shame and regret. Things that have hurt our souls or hurt the people we love. But ‘re all a bit good too. i reckon we’re mostly good actually. And life is about trying to learn the balance, plot our place on the continuum… We’re not just made up of good and bad: we’re everything else too.” 2.5/5 stars!

Attention! This book contains: old stories, tattoos, ink, procedures, public markings, new jobs, secrets, crows, witches, public readings, best friends, funerals, skin books, family trees, and blank skin.

There are no secrets in Saintstone.

From the second you’re born, every achievement, every failing, every significant moment are all immortalized on your skin. There are honorable marks that let people know you’re trustworthy. And shameful tattoos that announce you as a traitor.

After her father dies, Leora finds solace in the fact that his skin tells a wonderful story. That is, until she glimpses a mark on the back of his neck…the symbol of the worst crime a person can commit in Saintstone. Leora knows it has to be a mistake, but before she can do anything about it, the horrifying secret gets out, jeopardizing her father’s legacy…and Leora’s life.

In her startlingly prescient debut, Alice Broadway shines a light on the dangerous lengths we go to make our world feel orderly–even when the truth refuses to stay within the lines. This rich, lyrical fantasy with echoes of Orwell is unlike anything you’ve ever read, a tale guaranteed to get under your skin…

I’ve had this for so many years on my TBR! As a dystopian fan, as soon as I read the synopsis for this book a few years ago I was convinced this story was something I would like to binge on.

I still think the concept behind this book is very unique and interesting. A society that makes you tattoo every important mark on your skin and when you die, the skin is saved as a life book? A society that sees non-tattooed people (or blanks, as they call them) as outsiders and rebels with souls that will be lost? Sounds like a cool story to me!

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the amazing story I thought it would be. There were a lot of things that didn’t work out, but the most important one for me was the execution – it was not good. This plot was an absolute mess and the world-building is severely underdeveloped. It was such a slow-paced story to the point where it felt like it barely progressed. There are a lot of scenes that don’t make a lot of sense, and at the end of the day, it was difficult to find the reason why they hated/feared the blanks so much?

A big thing about this story is that the portrayed society created its foundation on old tales. They have these stories that they use to explain why things are a certain way. So a few chapters are dedicated to telling these stories to the reader. Even though I liked the fables and understood their role in the story, they stole the attention from the actual plot and story – and trust me, they really needed the spotlight more!

Now the characters! As a main character, Leora is very childish, annoying, and has a superiority complex that it’s difficult to read at times. It’s difficult for me to root for a character like that. But she wasn’t the only weird character! It was really weird to see the interactions between the characters because you couldn’t understand why they did the things they did. I’m not a writer or anything (obviously), but I think the story would have benefited from a simpler plotline with more… common sense.

In conclusion, this was a flop to me because there was barely any character development, the characters were bland and acted with unclear motivation, the story lacked structure and there was so much nonsense. It just felt… flat. Either way, I still have the intention of continuing the series. I hope the other two books will be a little better and the story picks up. We’ll see!

Review | Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

“Sometimes there is such beauty in awkwardness. There’s love and emotion trying to express itself, but at the time, it just ends up being awkward.” 3.5/5 stars!

Attention! This book contains: drawings, beets, scurvy, genocide starvation, Baltic countries, Stalin, deportation, and labor camps.

Lina is just like any other fifteen-year-old Lithuanian girl in 1941. She paints, she draws, she gets crushes on boys. Until one night when Soviet officers barge into her home, tearing her family from the comfortable life they’ve known. Separated from her father, forced onto a crowded and dirty train car, Lina, her mother, and her young brother slowly make their way north, crossing the Arctic Circle, to a work camp in the coldest reaches of Siberia. Here they are forced, under Stalin’s orders, to dig for beets and fight for their lives under the cruelest of conditions.

Lina finds solace in her art, meticulously—and at great risk—documenting events by drawing, hoping these messages will make their way to her father’s prison camp to let him know they are still alive. It is a long and harrowing journey, spanning years and covering 6,500 miles, but it is through incredible strength, love, and hope that Lina ultimately survives. Between Shades of Gray is a novel that will steal your breath and capture your heart.

This book has been on the back of my mind for years! I followed a YouTuber a few years ago named Joana Ceddia – you may have heard of her -, and she mentioned this book in a video, saying this was her favorite book of all time. Since then this book has been on my TBR. I finally picked it up this month, and even though I didn’t love it as much as Joana did, I still liked it!

It’s a work of fiction based on what happened to the Baltic states after the Soviet Union annexed and occupied their countries. The people from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were deported and imprisoned, and many of them ended up in Siberia doing forced labor. This story in particular follows a teenage girl named Lina who was deported from Lithuania, along with her mother and brother. She was an artist, but her dreams were put on hold the moment the soviet soldiers broke into her home and forced them to leave with them. It’s a heartbreaking sad story, as you can imagine!

I believe the target audience for this book is young adults, but I have to warn you there is some violence in this book, so keep that in mind when you decide to read this. Still, for a YA historical book, this was a good book. 

And yet, I kept thinking about why this didn’t grab my attention like I thought it would. After some thought, I think I finally found out the reason why! The author did a great job creating a very atmospheric read, but I feel like the tragic events were toned down (a lot) because at the end of the day… it’s still a YA book. I just had this constant feeling that things were way worse than what the author was describing. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that – I just prefer a more realistic, true approach to historical themes. Again, this is a YA book and I’m not exactly in the targeted age, so that’s on me.

I wasn’t mind-blown by this book, but it was still an okay story for me. I personally didn’t know a lot about this situation, so it was nice to learn about the history behind the fiction. I ended up doing some research on the topic after reading this book – and that’s exactly what I consider a positive impact from a book!

It’s an informative book for youngsters, so I would still recommend this if you are in the age range and want to learn a little more about the topic through a work of fiction.

Review | Woke Up Like This by Amy Lea

“For some reason, I always thought adults made decisions with purpose. That they knew what they were doing all the time. But maybe adults are just like teens, bumbling around aimlessly, unsure if they’ve gotten it right.” 4.5/5 stars!

Attention! This book contains: prom nights, time travel, new siblings, yoga studios, car hide-and-seek, wedding plans, dangerous ladders, that one move from “Dirty Dancing”, and mac and cheese.

Planning the perfect prom is one last “to do” on ultra-organized Charlotte Wu’s high school bucket list. So far, so good, if not for a decorating accident that sends Charlotte crash-landing off a ladder, face-first into her obnoxiously ripped archnemesis J. T. Renner. Worse? When Charlotte wakes up, she finds herself in an unfamiliar bed at thirty years old, with her bearded fiancé, Renner, by her side.

Either they’ve lost their minds or they’ve been drop-kicked into adulthood, forever trapped in the thirty-year-old bodies of their future selves. With each other as their only constant, Charlotte and Renner discover all that’s changed in the time they’ve missed. Charlotte also learns there’s more to Renner than irritating-jock charm, and that reaching the next milestone isn’t as important as what happens in between.

Navigating a series of adventures and a confounding new normal, Charlotte and Renner will do whatever it takes to find a way back to seventeen. But when―and if―they do, what then?

It has been a while since I’ve last picked up a contemporary YA that I actually loved. This was the one to break the curse because I had so much fun reading this! I wasn’t even planning on reading this anytime soon, but I just randomly grabbed it out of my TBR and I’m glad because I had a wonderful time.

Charlotte, the main character, is in school and she always plans for the future – she even has a bucket list! She has her future entirely planned out and she is focused on her goals and what she wants to achieve. But while she was decorating for prom, she fell over her nemesis, Renner, and woke up when she was 30. The surprising thing is that her life is not as she thought it would be – she’s married to the guy she hates, she doesn’t talk with her best friend anymore… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Let’s just say she learns the hard way things do not always happen the way we want them to! It was such a well-made, creative story. It reminded me a lot of the movie “13 Going on 30” with Jennifer Garner, with a few differences. The main difference is that she’s not the only one that time travels, but the guy is also trapped with her! So as you can probably tell, this is essentially a romance book and let me tell you: if you like the enemies-to-lovers trope, you are in for a treat. I loved the love/hate relationship between Charlotte and Renner! The characters were endearing and sweet, and I couldn’t get enough of them.

I wouldn’t say this is fully a contemporary book because there’s a fantasy element of time traveling. And yet, I just can’t call this fantasy. It always makes me nervous when the time travel element is added to books, but I have to say this was done perfectly here! Of course, you don’t know why it happened and there’s some mystery there, but I didn’t see any major plot holes so that was a plus.

I didn’t know how much I was missing a good quality YA romance book until I read this! It’s a very easy book to go through, and it’s a relaxing, cozy, fun read! I loved it and I’m curious to read more from this author.

Wrap-Up | What I Read in November 2023

Hello friends!

As usual, I’m bringing you this month’s Wrap Up! November was a great reading month and I’m thrilled about all the books I read. I feel like in the past few months I’ve been reading really “easy” books (manga, simple romances, etc.) and I wanted to get back to normal to pick more complex books – and that’s exactly what I did!

Not only did I take my TBR list very seriously this month, but I also had some room to challenge myself and explore new books. The result was an impressive 13 read books in November! I can’t believe I ended up reading so many good books this month!

Well to be fair, I still read some manga books, but it was only a small portion of my reading month! I’ve read amazing books in November, and even found a few new 5-star reads! I’m very excited to share with you all of the books I’ve picked this month, so enough rambling – let’s take a look at the books:

1. Ink (Skin Books #1) by Alice Broadway: 2.5/5⭐

Starting with the last book I read this month, we have “Ink” by Alice Broadway. This is a book that is part of my Oldest 30 books in my TBR list, and I decided to add it to my TBR this month so I could start tackling my oldest books! This has been on my TBR for years and now I finally started this series! I’m sad to say it wasn’t as interesting as I thought it would be. The concept of this dystopian series is unique and different, but the book is very slow and it felt like there were only a few scenes that were important to the book – the rest is just filler. I’m going to read the second book “Spark” in December, so hopefully, it gets a little more interesting!

2. My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing: 3.25/5⭐

I’ve been wanting to read this book for years! It’s funny how I barely pick thrillers anymore, but this was probably the only one I had on my TBR that I actually wanted to read for the story. A couple that spices up their boring lives and marriage by killing women together? That sounded so different and interesting! But unfortunately, this wasn’t what I expected, and I ended up giving 3.25 stars out of 5. It wasn’t bad, but I thought the story would be better and more engaging. Oh well, at least I’ve finally read it!

3. Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma: 5/5⭐

I have to be honest with you, “Forbidden” completely shattered me and broke my heart – I’m not even being dramatic, it’s the truth. I’m still picking up the pieces and gathering my thoughts and emotions, but I have no doubt this is a 5-star read. I’ve never read a book that triggered so many strong emotions in me. Sure, I’ve cried before while reading a book, but this made me feel sadness, heartbreak, and anger on another level. Just writing about it is making me upset! I knew it would be a tough read, but it was way worse than I initially thought. It was an amazing book, even though I’m still mad about it. I’ll talk about it with you guys one day!

4. Ready Player One (Ready Player One #1) by Ernest Cline: 5/5⭐

I must tell you about “Ready Player One” because… oh my God! I can’t believe I took so long to start this series. I devoured this book like a mad woman and loved every second. It was such a fun reading experience that I believe I’ll probably reread it one day. I rated it 5 stars because it would be impossible for me to give a lower rating!

5. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen: 4/5⭐

I picked this randomly this month because I had time to read it and it has been on my TBR for a very long time. I didn’t know the story or anything about it before picking it up, so I was completely in the dark – but I ended up giving it a 4-star rating! It was a fascinating and well-made story. I have to say I found the animal abuse scenes disturbing and upsetting to read, but I get why they were important to the story. Later I found out this has a movie adaptation with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson. I might watch the movie now!

6. Best Self by Coach Mike Bayer: 5/5⭐

I’ve been eyeing “Best Self” for a few years now because I’m a huge fan of Coach Mike. So I finally read his book and I absolutely loved it! It’s a very hands-on book, which I wasn’t really expecting but it made sense because of its content. I ended up doing all the exercises and it made me reflect on my life and areas that need some help. It was the dose of inspiration I needed I plan on rereading it again in the future someday – I feel like I’m going to grab this one for the rest of my life to be honest!

7. The Guncle by Steven Rowley: 4.5/5⭐

Another book I picked randomly near the end of the month was “The Guncle”. This one in particular surprised me a lot! I admit I grabbed it thinking it would be just your average fun contemporary book, but in reality, it was super wholesome and had a great, unique story. It was way better than I had anticipated! I’ll talk to you about it soon!

8. Lovely War by Julie Berry: 3.5/5⭐

I almost DNF’ed “Lovely War” if I’m being completely honest with you. I just wasn’t feeling the theme of the book, the super slow pace, the weird connection between Greek mythology and the World War, the boring romance… but I’m glad I continued it because it got better. I wasn’t interested at first, but the pace picked up and I connected a little more to the story. It still wasn’t a 4-star read for me, but the last chapter where the author talks about the real historical facts behind the book made me like it more.

9. Twisted Hate (Twisted #3) by Ana Huang: 4.5/5⭐

This is a book I planned on reading in November, so it was part of my TBR! I almost didn’t finish this one on time, but fortunately, I finished two days before the month ended – it was a close call! I had a lot of fun reading this book and it’s my favorite from the “Twisted” series so far! I’m still missing “Twisted Lies”, so hopefully I’ll finish this series in December.

10. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 6 by Mia Ikumi: 3/5⭐

I’ve started my reading month by finishing the manga series “Tokyo Mew Mew”. I was missing the last 2 volumes, so one of my priorities this month was to finish the rest of the series. I thought the books were cute in general, but my interest in the series decreased with time. It started to get a little too nonsensical to me – but when the very young school kids get married at the end… Well, that was the nail in the coffin. To be fair, I believe it’s kind of normal in Japanese shojo that the MCs get married at the end… but I still think it’s pretty weird. Anyways, it’s still cute!

11. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 7 by Mia Ikumi: 3/5⭐

Already said everything above!

12. Woke Up Like This by Amy Lea: 4.5/5⭐

This was a random book I picked this month and I ended up loving it! I feel like it’s very difficult for a YA contemporary romance to leave a mark on me anymore, but there was something special about this book that I loved. I just had a lot of fun reading this and loved the story and characters. Definitely recommend it!

13. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys: 3.5/5⭐

After finishing all of the audiobooks I had planned for the month, I decided to pick another one: “Between Shades of Gray” by Ruta Sepetys. This was the favorite book of a YouTuber I followed a few years ago, so I was curious and it has been on my TBR since then. It’s a work of fiction based on what happened to Lithuanians (and the other Baltic countries) after the Soviet Union annexed and occupied their country. These people were deported and imprisoned, and many of them ended up in Siberia doing forced labor. It’s an interesting, but sad story as you can imagine!

I was so surprised this month – I’ve read plenty of books and found multiple 5-star books. That rarely happens! I guess that’s what happens when I finally pick up more complex books. As usual, I’ll be posting the reviews for these books soon.

What about you guys? How was your reading month? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading friends, I’ll catch you guys later!