TBR | December 2023

Hello friends!

Yup, you read the title – time for another TBR List! I’ve already decided what books I want to read in December, so let’s dive in!

If I was a normal reader, I would probably add a few holiday-themed books here… but you already know I’m not that kind of person (I really wish I was). I’m not a seasonal reader and every time I do pick seasonal books, one of two things happened: either I forced myself to try to be a seasonal reader, or… it was just a coincidence! Well, the point is: you won’t find Holiday books here, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

The big focus this month is to finish/continue a few series I’ve started this year. This includes the “Ready Player One” duology, the “Twisted” series, and the “Ink” series. To complement these books, I also added a memoir, a manga and a contemporary romance.

I think the books I picked are still pretty interesting! So without further ado, here are the books I’m planning on reading this next month:

1. Ready Player Two (Ready Player One #2) by Ernest Cline

I read the first book in this duology in November and now I want to finish the second book in December. I had such an amazing time reading “Ready Player One” that I hope the second book is just as fun and creative.

2. This Time It’s Real by Ann Liang

I don’t know a lot about this book and I don’t plan on knowing when I pick it up! I just know this is a contemporary romance with a fake dating trope – and that’s it! It looks cute, so I added it to my TBR List a few months ago. I believe this will be a good palate cleanser to read between the 3 series I’m reading.

3. Twisted Lies (Twisted #4) by Ana Huang

Hopefully, I’ll still be able to finish this book by the end of the year. So far I like this series, but it’s definitely not as good as the hype tells you. Still, the perfectionist in me can’t leave a series unfinished, so we’re going for it in December!

4. Spark (Ink #2) by Alice Broadway

This is another series that I also started in November. I have had this series on my TBR for so many years, so I wanted to give it a fair try! Probably won’t finish the entire trilogy this year, but I’ll probably read the third book in January. We’ll see how it goes!

5. Pageboy by Elliot Page

This is a book that I’ve been very curious to read since I first heard about it. I feel like I’ve read a good share of memoirs this year, so I feel like this is the perfect way of ending the year! I’m very curious to read Elliot Page’s story (and hopefully he’s the one narrating the audiobook).

6. Pita-Ten (Vol. 1) by Koge-Donbo

I’ve watched the anime “Pita-Ten” online and I really liked it! I’ve been wanting to start the manga for a few years now, so I think this is the perfect opportunity to start this series. I hope it’s just as good!

Aaaand there you have it friends, my TBR list for December! As usual, I hope you liked this post! Let me know if you have any recommendations for me. You know I’m always grateful for those!

Thank you for reading, have a great day!

Recommendations | The “Oldest” 30 Books On My TBR!

Hello friends!

It’s no secret I have a very long TBR list. As I’m writing this post, I have 563 books on my TBR according to Goodreads. That’s a lot of books! I mean, it’s not my fault that great books are being published every single week – can you blame me?

Ever since I started reading more, I kept pilling and pilling up books that I’m interested in reading and I never stopped. It also doesn’t help that I read almost every single genre of book. I try to read different kinds of books, which also translates into my TBR list.

So today I thought I would share with you the 30 books that have been on my TBR list for the longest! Let me warn you that you’ll find some dinosaurs here! It’s funny how most of them are dystopian books, part of any sort of series, but you’ll see it for yourself!

These are ordered from the oldest book I’ve added to my TBR to the 30th oldest (still super old). Saying this another way: the first book in the image below is the oldest, and the last book is the most recent on this particular list. Here’s a quick overview of the 30 books:

I told you: dinosaurs! There are a lot of dystopian series here, but also a few contemporary romances here and there as well as some thrillers. Let’s take a closer look by row!

1. The Boy Most Likely To by Huntly Fitzpatrick

Meet my oldest TBR book! One of the first books I read when I started to read more was “My Life Next Door” by Huntley Fitzpatrick. I was enchanted by the story and the cute romance! But when I found out she wrote a companion novel focusing on two other characters, I immediately added it to my TBR. The reason why I didn’t pick this up yet, is because I want to reread the first one before getting into this story!

2. More Than We Can Tell (Letters to the Lost #2) by Brigid Kemmerer

This has a similar background to the first book in this list. I first read “Letters to the Lost” (which is the first book), and then I found out there was a second book! So I also added to my TBR but never read it for the same reason – I want to reread the first one first!

3. Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss #1) by Stephanie Perkins

Get ready to see a lot of new series here that I never started! And the first one on the list is none other than “Anna and the French Kiss”. This is such a hyped series when it first came out, that I couldn’t help but be curious about it. I admit I’m a little scared that I’ve outgrown this kind of book, but I still want to try and read it one day!

4. After We Collided (After #2) by Anna Todd

This is a book that I’ve started but never finished. I started the “After” series a very long time ago, but I feel like it’s difficult for me to read a long series with the same main characters. Maybe that’s why I never picked this up again: I got bored. Hopefully one day I’ll give it a try again!

5. Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth

An iconic series… that I have no desire to pick anytime soon! I admit the only reason why this is here is because I feel like everyone and their mother has read this series. I probably won’t pick it up anytime soon, to be honest!

6. City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra Clare

This is a series I wanted to read but never got the chance to start! I have all six books lined up on my shelf waiting for me to pick them up. I believe I’m afraid of committing to a longer series (as usual).

7. Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi

This was a series recommended by a friend, but I also never started it because it’s a longer one!

8. Sea Witch (Sea Witch #1) by Sarah Henning

I believe the reason why I didn’t pick this up yet is a matter of timing. I truly believe I’ll read this soon.

9. Jewel (The Lone City #1) by Amy Ewing

This seems right on my alley, not sure why I haven’t picked this up yet!

10. Enclave (Razorland #1) by Ann Aguirre

Another example of a series I want to read, but I’m afraid this is going to be too complex. Also, there are five books in this series, so it’s a big commitment (to me, anyway).

11. Shatter Me (Shatter Me #1) by Tahereh Mafi

Once again, another great example of a (too) long series for me to deal with! This series in particular has over 6 books (not counting the endless novellas). Wow, I really have commitment issues.

12. Eve (Eve #1) by Anna Carey

I’m curious about this one, so I would put it in the same box as the “Jewel” series.

13. Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo

I’ll admit one of the reasons I still haven’t picked this one yet is because I’m a little confused with the order I should read this. I think this connected to another series and there’s a specific order to read everything? So let me just tell you what I feel about that: ain’t nobody got time for that! Well, maybe I will try and sort this out, but for now it will stay on the list.

14. Uglies (Uglies #1) by Scott Westerfeld

Another example of a series I want to read, but there are multiple books in this series (I think 5 or 6?), and as I pointed out, I have commitment issues.

15. The Aztec Code (Thieves Like Us #1) by Stephen Cole

Oh, this is a special one for me! “Thieves Like Us” (the first book in the series) was the book that made me want to read more a few years ago, but when I first read it I didn’t know this was part of a trilogy. So after finding that out, I added the second book to my TBR… and I never read it. But I still want to read this one day, I just need to reread “Thieves Like Us”!

16. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

I’ve had this on my list since I discovered Colleen and started reading her books. And I remember I picked this up one day but I wasn’t feeling it, so I put it down again. I don’t pick up Colleen Hoover books anymore, but maybe one day I’ll read this.

17. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

A series that was very popular during its time and my curiosity regarding it didn’t leave. Hopefully, I’ll read this one day.

18. Switched (Trylle #1) by Amanda Hocking

A trilogy that I’m also curious about. I’m not entirely sure, but I think this is also a dystopian series.

19. Ruby Red (Precious Stone #1) by Kerstin Gier

This seems like a really cool trilogy. I hope I’ll read it in the future!

20. Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

I’ve heard so many great things about this one. I know a lot of people loved this, so I’m curious to finally understand the hype around it.

21. Entwined by Heather Dixon Wallwork

I saw a video at the time by a Youtuber I loved, and she recommended this book. She had really cool recommendations, so I immediately added this to my TBR.

22. The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Frances Long

The other book was recommended by that same Youtuber!

23. Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) by Sarah J. Maas

This has a little backstory: basically, I bought the first book “Throne of Glass” in Portuguese and I loved it! But the disappointment came quickly when I discovered the publisher decided to stop publishing this series – and yes, I checked, I contacted them! I was heavily disappointed and decided to put the series on standby. The funny thing is: they are now publishing the books… thanks for nothing! Maybe now I’ll buy the entire series and read everything.

24. You (You #1) by Caroline Kepnes

I was very interested in reading this, and I tried it at some point. The problem is that the first chapters freaked me out so much that I stopped reading it. It was so creepy! I still want to read this, but I have to prepare myself mentally first.

25. Vinyl (Vinyl #1) by Sophia Elaine Hanson

The premise of this series caught my attention, and I still have the same desire to read this. It just sounds and looks so interesting!

26. Ink (Skin Books #1) by Alice Broadway

I’ve started this one this month! So far it’s okay, I’m not super invested yet, but the story is very unique and different from everything I’ve ever read. Fingers crossed!

27. Unearthly (Unearthly #1) by Cynthia Hand

That Youtuber that I mentioned before also recommended this one, so that’s why it’s here.

28. The Winners Curse (The Winners #1) by Marie Rutkoski

Another trilogy that I don’t know much about – but it looks cool!

29. Carve the Mark (Carve the Mark #1) by Veronica Roth

I have this duology waiting for me on my shelf, but my interest in reading it is decreasing with time. We’ll see if I ever pick this one up.

30. As Filhas da Floresta by Alaitz Leceaga

I’ve started this one as well, but I got a little bored so I stopped reading it. I’m still determined to read this again – and this time finish it.

Wow, that was a long list, I hope you’re not tired of me already! This was only a small part of the books I keep adding to my TBR list… And I’m sure I’ll keep adding more and more books!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post! It was fun to go back to memory lane and see what my interests were during my first year of reading more. Clearly, I was very interested in dystopian books at the time!

As usual, I’m always open to book recommendations, so if you have any for me, let me know!

Thank you for reading, I’ll see you in the next one!

Special | How I Create My Monthly TBR Lists

Hello friends!

Today I’m bringing you a bit of a different post! I was thinking about how I kind of created a few “rules” (if you can call it that) when I think about the books I want to read each month. While I’m going through my TBR on Goodreads every month, I try to pick books according to these rules to create a balanced monthly list. It’s a formula I’ve been using that I feel like it works very well for me!

I was also thinking about a few things that I want to implement every month, so I thought I would write down everything – and why not share it with you?

So today that’s exactly what I’m bringing you! I’m sharing with you my formula to create a balanced monthly TBR list that works for me – and who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired to create a formula that works for you too! So here are my “rules” for creating my monthly TBR lists:

1. Read 2 paperbacks

I’ve had this “rule” for a while now and let me tell you why it is important for me to follow it. I own so many physical copies of books that it’s getting ridiculous. I have so many books on my shelf just waiting for me to finally decide to pick them up! I think it’s important for me to keep reading them in this format so I can finally reduce my book collection – maybe I’m delusional, is that ever going to happen?

2. Listen to 2 audiobooks

This “rule” is also important but for a different (similar) reason. Yes, my physical TBR is long, but my overall TBR is way longer. By listening to audiobooks I’m able to finally get to books I really wanted to read that I don’t necessarily have in the physical format. This is a huge advantage also because I can listen to them while running errands, doing what I call “no-brain” tasks, and even monotonous work. All benefits!

3. Read 1 ebook

My e-reader is a very special tool to me! I love it so much that I always take it with me everywhere I go – grocery shopping, the gym, on walks… you never know when you’re going to need entertainment! My goal is to read one book per month in it because, not only do I take it with me everywhere, but it’s also good to read books that I don’t have physical copies for and for books I don’t feel like listening on audio. That way I can cover a lot of books!

4. Pick at least 3 different genres every month

This is another important “rule” for two reasons. The first one is how I always try to read different genres. I always wanted to be a diverse reader, so if I try and read at least 3 different genres every month, I’ll be more than happy! The second reason is that when I first started reading multiple books at the same time, I started to mix stories if they were similar. This was something that I noticed and quickly fixed: I no longer read similar stories (similar characters, atmosphere, environment) at the same time. That is also easier to fix if I read different genres.

These 4 rules have been the foundation of the way I pick books for my TBR lately, and they work wonderfully. But recently I came up with a few more rules that I want to implement, so here they are:

5. Read manga every month

I have so many manga series that I want to read, that I decided I should always be reading at least one. A quick note: this doesn’t mean that I’ll be finishing an entire series every month. The goal here is for me to just pick a series and read it throughout the month. If I don’t finish the series that month, I’ll continue the next month until it’s finished. I guess my only requirement will be to finish at least one volume per month. I love manga and I believe it’s a great palate cleanser to read between books!

6. Read a book from my “30 Oldest Book on my TBR” list

I’m keeping a list of the 30 books that have been on my TBR for the longest time, and I want to start to tackle them – I’m actually about to post about this list soon, so stay tuned! They deserve to be read, and I’m determined to read at least 10 of these before I get an updated version of the list again! For reference, here is the list of the oldest books on my TBR:

I have the tendency to pick more recent books, so the goal here is to make sure I’m reading some of the oldest books on my TBR, and give them the love they deserve! As a side note: it’s okay if I’m reading a book that is part of a series in this list. So for example, if I already read “You” by Caroline Kepnes (that is on this list) and I’m now reading the second book (that is not on the list), that will be okay because it means I’m making progress on the entire series.

7. Try to always read a book from a series

As I told you multiple times, I have a hard time reading the series – I have bookish commitment issues. So if I try to read at least one book from a series per month I’ll be making progress with a series! It doesn’t matter the format, as long as I read a series!

I think it’s important to remind (mostly myself) that life happens and sometimes things don’t work out the way we want. With that said, I’m going to try and follow this format whenever possible!

I’m excited to read all the amazing books on my radar, and hopefully this strategy will help 🙂 Again, I know this post is a little different from what I usually post, but I hope you liked it nonetheless.

Thank you for reading friends! See you in the next one.

Review | Tokyo Mew Mew series by Mia Ikumi and Reiko Yoshida

Attention! This book contains: magic spells, maid cafés, new friends, sweet romances, surprises, cute outfits, and endangered species.

Ichigo is out on a hot date with her ‘crush’ when suddenly she’s involved in an odd incident in which her DNA is merged with the DNA of an almost extinct wildcat. When four other girls’ DNA is merged with the DNA of four other almost extinct animals, it’s apparent that they’re part of a much bigger plan. Ichigo and her friends have been chosen to become a part of a secret project called the “Mew Project.” Their mission: To protect the planet from aliens who are using the planet’s animals to attack humans.

*Review of the original 7 volumes*

This was a cute series!

When I was younger, the anime version was on TV, but I never watched it. I was curious about it and regret not watching it at the time because it was really popular! I just got to know the story and what it was about now, by reading the manga.

It’s a little difficult for me to rate this series since I’m not in the appropriate age range, but I still have my opinion! 

I think this is a very fun series to read and just pass the time, but I feel like it was a little too shallow for me. In reality, I believe this story is inspired by Nature and how important it is to protect the environment and raise awareness to protect endangered species. And even though this is a great thing to inspire a series, I feel like the story itself was too hollow and had little to do with the topic.

The good thing for me is that there was a lot of romance! In the beginning, you wonder who she’ll end up with because there are so many possible love interests (way more than usual) – but at some point the love interest becomes clear. If you swoon over cute manga characters like yours truly, this series is pure heaven! There are many cute boys here.

But I have to be honest with you, the last few volumes lost me a little. I thought this would be a 4-star read (for the entire series), but it started to decrease slowly to a 3-star read. I know this is fantasy and a younger type of manga, but it started to get a little too nonsensical to me – but when the very young school kids get married at the end… Well, that was the nail in the coffin. To be fair, I believe it’s usual in Japanese shojo that the MCs get married at the end… but I still think it was pretty weird.

I did still liked this though. I would describe this as your typical fantasy shoujo: full of magic, cute costumes, and fun! Good to get your mind off the real world.

Review | Alice in Borderland series by Haro Aso

“Haven’t you ever wanted to be swept away somewhere – anywhere – as long as it’s someplace else?” 4/5 stars!

Attention! This book contains: ruins, killing sprees, cleared games, mysterious creators, dealers, questions without answers and a lot of sadistic games.

Eighteen-year-old Ryohei Arisu is sick of his life. School sucks, his love life is a joke, and his future feels like impending doom. As he struggles to exist in a world that can’t be bothered with him, Ryohei feels like everything would be better if he were anywhere else. When a strange fireworks show transports him and his friends to a parallel world, Ryohei thinks all his wishes have come true. But this new world isn’t an empty paradise, it’s a vicious game. And the only way to survive is to play.

The first game starts with a bang, but Ryohei manages to beat the clock and save his friends. It’s a short-lived victory, however, as they discover that winning only earns them a few days’ grace period. If they want to get home, they’re going to have to start playing a lot harder.

*Review of the original 18 volumes*

Oh how excited I was to read this one! I first fell in love with this series when I first watched the live action on Netflix… so I thought I’d give the manga a try!

I’m very surprised to say that the Netflix show is mostly true to the original story – that almost never happens! They did a great job with the adaptation because even though it was true to the original work by Haro Aso, they added a lot of action and cut out the slower scenes!

If you don’t know, this series is an “Alice in Wonderland” retelling! Well, of course you probably saw that coming when you read the name, but the actual retelling is very subtle. Our main character, Arisu (Alice), enters a new world called “the Borderlands” with his friends and quickly discovers his life is at risk. He needs to play deadly games to keep himself alive! At some point he meets a girl named Usagi (white rabbit in Japanese), and together they explore the Borderlands and try to find a meaning for what is happening and who created this reality. 

This manga series consists of 18 volumes, so I’m going to give you my thoughts on the series as a whole! I personally am a little conflicted about the way I feel about the manga. I’m a huge fan of the story like I mentioned before, so I expected a lot from this series. And the truth is that I was loving it until the last few volumes. The pacing slows down considerably and (without wanting to give you information on what happens) Arisu’s attitude changes a little. I had some trouble finding motivation to read the last volumes for this reason!

Still, I had fun reading this series for the most part. The games are perverse and deadly, but they have to keep fighting to try to uncover what is going on and who created the games! I liked the characters and the thought put behind the games. Also the art was very good and easy to follow. It was all nicely put together!

So, would I recommend this one? I personally liked both the manga and the Netflix show, but if I were to recommend a friend to one of them, I would definitely recommend the Netflix version. It’s very well made, true to the original work, and they slightly changed the last volumes to add more action and a faster pace!

At the end of the day it’s a very exciting and engaging series, and I highly recommend it if you like horror/mystery manga! Also… I recently found out there’s an anime version as well. I’m curious about it, should I give it a go?

Book Haul | Birthday Book Haul 2023 (a.k.a. I’m going on a book buying ban)

Hello friends!

I hope you’re doing well! This post is coming a little late, but I still wanted to show you all the books I got for my birthday.

My birthday was on October 27th, but since a few of these books were ordered online they only got here a while later. So after I’ve received everything and done an inventory of every single book, I was finally ready to share everything with you!

Some books were gifted to me by my family and other books were bought by me. The result of this was an impressive haul of 18 books for my birthday! I believe I broke some sort of personal record on buying books – seriously, what was I thinking…

Some of my family members asked for a book wishlist – which of course I have one -, so they consulted the list and got me some of the books I’ve wanted. I was so happy and moved by them!

Anyway, enough rambling, let me show you the 18 books I got:

Aren’t they beautiful?! I’m so happy I got so many amazing books. No kidding, I could stare at them all day… but I have things to do, unfortunately. Let’s take a closer look by row!

1. Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (Of Filhos da Droga) by Christiane F.

I’m not sure if there’s an English version of this book? Either way, I recommend you to check it out because this is such an amazing true story. I have a little backstory for this one – this was one of the first books (real books) I have read, so I kind of have a special connection to it. I had a very old copy that I lent to a friend a few years ago, but I never got it back. So my sister decided to gift me a new copy so I could read it again and have it on my shelf. Bless your heart sis!

2. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

This one was a gift from me to me! I’ve been curious about this book for a very long time, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to get it. Let’s be honest, it was just a matter of time for me to get it!

3. Six Crimson Cranes (Six Crimson Cranes #1) by Elizabeth Lim

This was one of my favorite gifts! This series looks amazing. It’s still ongoing as I write this, but at least I have the first book for when I decide to start it!

4. This Time It’s Real by Ann Liang

I bought this myself. I’ve been eyeing this book for a while now, and since I wanted to have a few standalone romances at hand on my shelf it was a no-brainer to get it!

5. Gild (The Plated Prisioner #1) by Raven Kennedy

Another gift, another new series! I’ve been seeing this series everywhere, so I’ll finally get on the hype soon!

6. Heart of the Sun Warrior (The Celestial Kingdom #2) by Sue Lynn Tan

I have the first book in the series on my shelf, and I even started it a while ago, but I wasn’t in the right mindset. It wasn’t related to the book because I was loving the story! I asked for the second book in the series, so I got it for my birthday!

7. As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh

I got this one for myself as well! I’m super curious about this one.

8. Meet Me At The Lake (Every Summer After #2) by Carley Fortune

This is an ongoing series that I haven’t started yet, but I was still super happy when I got it as a gift!

9. Twisted Lies (Twisted #4) by Ana Huang

I was missing the last book of the “Twisted” series by Ana Huang (“Twisted Lies”), so I thought my birthday would be the perfect excuse to get it. I bought this myself, and now I can finally finish the series!

10. Magnolia Parks (Magnolia Parks Universe #1) by Jessa Hastings

It was a huge surprise to me when I was browsing my local bookstore and I saw the first “Magnolia Parks” book translated into Portuguese! But what really surprised me was the fact that the first two books were already published in Portuguese and the 3rd book was going to be published in just a few days. This was a series I’m super curious about and I was so excited that I ordered the 3 books! I’m very excited to read these.

11. Daisy Haites (Magnolia Parks Universe #2) by Jessa Hastings

This is number #2 in the series!

12. Magnolia Parks: The Long Way Home (Magnolia Parks Universe #3) by Jessa Hastings

And this is the 3rd book in the series. This is the last translated book available in Portuguese (for now).

13. Love, Theoretically (The STEMinist #3) by Ali Hazelwood

Technically I haven’t started this series yet, but I already have the first two books in the series on my shelf, so I thought I’d just get the last book of the trilogy. It was discounted, so why not?

14. The Summer of Broken Rules by K.L. Walther

This was also gifted to me! I don’t know much about it, but I’m excited to find out!

15. Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid

A book that has been on my TBR for a while now! I’ve read a few Taylor Jenkins Reid books and I really like her writing style, so I was happy to receive this as a gift!

16. Sissi: Empress on Her Own (Sisi #2) by Allison Pataki

Another book gifted to me! I don’t know a lot about Sissi, but I’m curious about her and her story. The person that gifted me this didn’t know this was the second book in a duology, so I’ll probably just get the first book and read it first before getting into this.

17. The Girl from Silent Lake (Detective Kay Sharp #1) by Leslie Wolfe

This is a thriller I also don’t know a lot about. I have a few Leslie Wolfe books on my shelf that are part of a series, and I thought this could possibly be part of that. After some research, I discovered this was the first book of a new, different series. I don’t pick up detective/thriller series like this anymore, but I’m definitely going to give this one a try!

18. Kill Creek by Scott Thomas

I’ve been eyeing this book for so long! But it’s a little more expensive than your average book (and it was always sold out for some reason), so when I saw it was available with a discount I didn’t think twice!

And before you say it: I know this is a ridiculous amount of books to get. I’m giving you permission to judge me all you want, but I’m sure you understand how happy I feel by being surrounded by books – and clearly the people around me know that too! I’m very thankful for all the books I got, but I’m even more thankful for my amazing family. Also, of course, I got a good amount of books for myself but to my defense, I sell most of the books I finish reading, so they’re always coming and going!

Anyway, thank you for reading my post! I hope you liked seeing the books I got for my birthday and hopefully, I’ll see you in the next one.

Bye guys!

Review | The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

“My father shoved aside my bowl of receipts, setting up his things on the bar. “I just want to let you know,” he said, “I call the shots. You sit right there in that chair and I’ll tell you what goes on.”
I looked at him with a growing sense of horror.
“I’m Britney Spears now,” he said.”
5/5 stars!

Attention! This book contains: abortion, pop stars, dancing, greedy parents, shaved heads, mental institutions, divorces, paparazzi and spotlights.

The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope.

In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history.

Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.

Oops I did it again!

I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I was to get my hands on this memoir. I only knew about it a few days before the actual publishing day, but I knew I needed it ASAP because my curiosity was killing me – not my loneliness… get it? Needless to say, when I finally got it, I devoured it!

So let me get you some background first on what I knew about her: I was a Britney fan when I was younger and I remember thinking how pretty she was and how she could dance and sing like a pro! I first saw her first music video “Baby One More Time” on MTV (1999) and it was a huge hit worldwide. I still remember to this day how mesmerized I was by her – and I was only 5! I confess I’m not super familiar with her work that came after the “Blackout” album, but I know one or two singles that came afterwards. I also knew she was in a legal battle with her father regarding her conservatorship and how messy it was, but other than that I didn’t know a lot about her.

If you’re going into this thinking she wrote her own book, I’m just going to say it: I’m 99,99% sure her ghost writer wrote the entire thing. I really don’t think she has the capacity right now to write her own book – and I think that was a good call because the book is very well written. I really doubt she wrote a single word there – like a lot of celebrities, I might add – and that’s fine.

I was surprised this was only a 5 hour and half book. Usually memoirs can go up to 12h or 13h (some even more – let’s not talk about Michelle Obama’s book length…), so I was surprised how short the book was. As the book goes on, you start to understand why.

In this memoir, Britney shares her story describing her life from a young child, to an ascending pop star, to her struggles in life. And oh man… she struggled a lot! She touches on how her family turned on her, her relationship with Justin, the abortion, the paparazzi, the legal battle for her kids, the conservatorship… The list is long!

The conservatorship chapters were tough to read. Oh my God… I can’t believe she went through all that for so many years. The amount of medication she took, the months and months of her life wasted in institutions, the endless tours that only filled her dad’s pockets… It’s almost incredible how she endured all that for so long.

I can’t even imagine how hard it was for her not having her family’s support. Her sister turning her back on her, her mother doing a book tour and bashing her, her father stealing her money and putting her in institutions for months to control her… With a family like that, who needs enemies?

It was heartbreaking to see how much she has suffered along the years. My heart goes to her. She sure is a very strong woman, and I wish her all the best in life and I hope she recovers and gets her life back fully.

It was a very easy and fast audiobook to listen to, since it was only about 5 hours like I mentioned before, and I ended up loving it. It’s definitely a heartbreaking memoir, but worth it! If you are or were a fan of hers at any point of your life, I definitely recommend checking it out.

Trigger warnings for: suicide, abortion, substance abuse, abuse of power.

Wrap-Up | What I Read in October 2023

Hello friends!

I hope you’re doing well as always! Today I’m bringing you my Wrap Up for the month of October!

Like I mentioned a million times before, October was a very busy month! I travelled to Japan for a couple of weeks and it was also my birthday at the end of the month. I can’t believe I’m 29 now! Time sure flies… but I digress!

I only added one book to my TBR this month because I knew reading wouldn’t be a priority and I wanted to give myself some freedom to do whatever I wanted! Interestingly enough, I ended up reading (way) more than I thought I would – I picked up a lot of manga novels in Japan, that’s the reason why.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the books I read this past month:

  1. Alice in Borderland Vol. 6 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 4/5⭐
  2. Alice in Borderland Vol. 7 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 3.5/5⭐
  3. Alice in Borderland Vol. 8 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 3.5/5⭐
  4. Alice in Borderland Vol. 9 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 3.5/5⭐
  5. The Bodyguard by Katherine Center: 4/5⭐
  6. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears: 5/5⭐
  7. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 1 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  8. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 2 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  9. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 3 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  10. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 4 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  11. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 5 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐

I know this may seem like a lot of books, but keep in mind that almost the entire list consist of manga – only one is a “regular” book. While I was in Japan I felt really inspired by my environment so I picked up manga, so that’s why I read so many volumes this month!

I kept my TBR list for October very short by only selecting a single book, and this month’s selection was “The Bodyguard” by Katherine Center. I decided to pick it up on my 14 hour flight back to Europe, so when I got back home I was almost completely done with it! It was a really nice “feel good” kind of romance and I didn’t know how much I was needing it!

I’ve also finished the manga “Alice in Borderland” (finally) and I liked it a lot, but the last few volumes lost me a little and that’s why the ratings dropped a little. I’ll talk more about it in the review, but basically the pacing slows down a lot and I started losing interest.

The other manga series I read this month was “Tokyo Mew Mew”! When I was younger, the anime version was on, but I never gave it a try at the time. I just got to know the story and what it was about now, by reading the manga and I had a great time!

A new book I discovered this month was Britney Spears’ memoir “The Woman in Me” – and you should’ve seen my face when I found out it would be published in just a few days (on October 24th). I knew I had to get my hands on it! It was a very easy and fast audiobook to listen to, since it was only about 5 hours, and I loved it. I felt so sad for her and for what’s she been through… it’s definitely a heartbreaking memoir. If you are or were a fan of hers at any point of your life, I definitely recommend checking it out.

As usual, I’ll be posting the reviews for these books soon!

What about you guys? How was your reading month? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading friends, I’ll catch you guys later!