My 8 Reading Goals for 2024

Hello friends!

I hope you’re doing well! Are you excited for 2024? I know I am! Today I’m following up with a tradition here on the blog, with a post you already know was coming: my reading goals for the next year!

The reason why this is probably my favorite season of the year is because I’m a planner at heart. I always like to reflect on how the year went (good and bad), and I get inspired to plan and create new goals for my life! And of course, reading is a big part of who I am so of course I’m planning my reading year as well!

So after some thought and reflection, I came up with all the reading goals I want to achieve in 2024! Here they are:

1. Read 60 books

This is not news to you – every single year my reading goal is set to 60 books. This means I’ll read about 5 books per month, which is a good number for me! It’s easy for me to achieve, and I usually surpass this goal – but with that said, if I just get 60 books read in a year, I’ll be more than happy with my reading year!

2. Reduce book collection to less than 230 books

I’m so embarrassed to say that I’ve had this same goal for the past few years… and I never reached it! But can you blame me? Book shopping is so much fun! Ok, I digress. As I’m writing this, I currently have 280 books on my shelf. That’s a ridiculous amount of books to have, and my goal is to reduce my collection to a more manageable number. The truth is that nobody needs that many books, so it’s time for me to reduce my collection. For now, I’ll try to reduce it to 230 in 2024!

3. Read 24 books from my physical TBR

I had a similar goal last year, but this time I’m doing 24 books instead of 20! I’m thinking of reading at least 2 physical books per month anyway, so I think this is a doable number. As you know, I read books in different formats but I want to prioritize what’s currently on my shelf. Hopefully, this will go smoothly!

4. Read 2 fantasy series I have always wanted to read

I always struggle with fantasy series, so I decided to add this goal to the list! I have a hard time compromising with long series, but I want to fight this instinct! So in 2024, I want to go through some of them, like for example one of the following: Dune, The Lord of the Rings, A Curse So Dark and Lonely, Red Queen, City of Bones, Shadow and Bone, Throne of Glass, and many more!

5. Read 1 big book (>500 pages)

I’ve been struggling with this goal for the past few years, so for 2024 I’m going to try to read a single book over 500 pages. As I mentioned a million times before, I’m intimidated by big books, and since I know I’m missing out on some amazing stories, I need to fight this!

6. Only buy 12 books max

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Neide, you literally just said you want to reduce your collection”. Yes, that’s true, I do want to reduce my collection. I’m planning on doing this by selling my older books and by controlling my spending habits (in this case, on books). And that’s exactly why this goal exists. I still want to have some freedom and have fun by visiting a bookstore and buying a few books whenever I feel like it… but I want to do it in a controlled way. This way I’m allowed to buy only one book per month, and that should be more than enough!

7. Read 10 pages or a chapter a day

This may seem a simple one, but I really would love to read every single day. This is just a way for me to ensure I pick up a book every day. I know this is going to be a little challenging, but I think I can easily read 10 pages or 1 chapter a day, so I’m sure at the end of the day this will be a simple one to achieve.

8. Use my TBR Prompt List with my TBR Wheel

I haven’t told you about this yet, but I recently created a list of TBR prompts! It’s a random thing I created last month, and the goal is just to get a prompt randomly using my TBR wheel, and then pick a book based on the prompt. I made this list for fun and to help me pick books whenever I’m feeling indecisive. I’m thinking about including this in my monthly TBR posts! Should I do it?

So what do you think of my reading goals for 2024? I think all of the reading goals that I’m setting for 2024 are both challenging and achievable!

Tell me about you! Do you have any reading goals for 2024? Let me know!

See you in my next post 🙂

3 thoughts on “My 8 Reading Goals for 2024

  1. Pingback: Revisiting My 2023 Reading Goals (I’m kind of impressed?) – Sprayed Edges

    1. Thank you so much!
      Yeah, I have so many books that it’s getting ridiculous 🤦 so I’m trying to control the situation as I well as I can ahah!
      I’ll do a post sharing my TBR Wheel/prompts and how I made it and use it soon 🥰 hope you enjoy it!

      Liked by 1 person

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