Wrap-Up | What I Read in October 2023

Hello friends!

I hope you’re doing well as always! Today I’m bringing you my Wrap Up for the month of October!

Like I mentioned a million times before, October was a very busy month! I travelled to Japan for a couple of weeks and it was also my birthday at the end of the month. I can’t believe I’m 29 now! Time sure flies… but I digress!

I only added one book to my TBR this month because I knew reading wouldn’t be a priority and I wanted to give myself some freedom to do whatever I wanted! Interestingly enough, I ended up reading (way) more than I thought I would – I picked up a lot of manga novels in Japan, that’s the reason why.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the books I read this past month:

  1. Alice in Borderland Vol. 6 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 4/5⭐
  2. Alice in Borderland Vol. 7 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 3.5/5⭐
  3. Alice in Borderland Vol. 8 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 3.5/5⭐
  4. Alice in Borderland Vol. 9 (omnibus) by Haro Aso: 3.5/5⭐
  5. The Bodyguard by Katherine Center: 4/5⭐
  6. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears: 5/5⭐
  7. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 1 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  8. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 2 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  9. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 3 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  10. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 4 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐
  11. Tokyo Mew Mew Vol. 5 by Mia Ikumi: 4/5⭐

I know this may seem like a lot of books, but keep in mind that almost the entire list consist of manga – only one is a “regular” book. While I was in Japan I felt really inspired by my environment so I picked up manga, so that’s why I read so many volumes this month!

I kept my TBR list for October very short by only selecting a single book, and this month’s selection was “The Bodyguard” by Katherine Center. I decided to pick it up on my 14 hour flight back to Europe, so when I got back home I was almost completely done with it! It was a really nice “feel good” kind of romance and I didn’t know how much I was needing it!

I’ve also finished the manga “Alice in Borderland” (finally) and I liked it a lot, but the last few volumes lost me a little and that’s why the ratings dropped a little. I’ll talk more about it in the review, but basically the pacing slows down a lot and I started losing interest.

The other manga series I read this month was “Tokyo Mew Mew”! When I was younger, the anime version was on, but I never gave it a try at the time. I just got to know the story and what it was about now, by reading the manga and I had a great time!

A new book I discovered this month was Britney Spears’ memoir “The Woman in Me” – and you should’ve seen my face when I found out it would be published in just a few days (on October 24th). I knew I had to get my hands on it! It was a very easy and fast audiobook to listen to, since it was only about 5 hours, and I loved it. I felt so sad for her and for what’s she been through… it’s definitely a heartbreaking memoir. If you are or were a fan of hers at any point of your life, I definitely recommend checking it out.

As usual, I’ll be posting the reviews for these books soon!

What about you guys? How was your reading month? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading friends, I’ll catch you guys later!

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